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Implement a log handler

With the cfg and log packages, you can implement a handler and make it available via config.

Before you begin

Here is a preview of all the code you'll cover in this guide:


package main

import (


type MyCustomHandlerSettings struct {
Channel string `cfg:"channel"`

type MyCustomHandler struct {
channel string

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Channels() []string {
return []string{}

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Level() int {
return log.PriorityInfo

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Log(timestamp time.Time, level int, msg string, args []interface{}, err error, data log.Data) error {
fmt.Printf("%s happenend at %s", msg, timestamp.Format(time.RFC822))
return nil

func MyCustomHandlerFactory(config cfg.Config, name string) (log.Handler, error) {
settings := &MyCustomHandlerSettings{}
log.UnmarshalHandlerSettingsFromConfig(config, name, settings)

return &MyCustomHandler{
channel: settings.Channel,
}, nil

func main() {
log.AddHandlerFactory("my-custom-handler", MyCustomHandlerFactory)

Implement your custom log handler

Import your gosoline dependencies

Add the following imports to your code:

import (


Here, you imported some standard dependencies, along with the cfg and log packages from gosoline.

Create a settings struct

Create a struct that stores log settings:

type MyCustomHandlerSettings struct {
Channel string `cfg:"channel"`

cfg: defines the key you'll use to bind the channel value from the configuration object to this struct.

Create a new handler

type MyCustomHandler struct {
channel string

This handler struct stores the log channel. To use your handler, you must implement the required methods of the Handler interface.

Implement the Channels method

Create a getter for the log channels:

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Channels() []string {
return []string{}

This returns an array of channels, including the one stored on MyCustomHandler.

Implement the Level method

Create a getter for the log priority level:

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Level() int {
return log.PriorityInfo

Here, you'll return the info level priority.

Implement the Log method

Create a getter for the log message:

func (h *MyCustomHandler) Log(timestamp time.Time, level int, msg string, args []interface{}, err error, data log.Data) error {
fmt.Printf("%s happenend at %s", msg, timestamp.Format(time.RFC822))
return nil

Here, you accept, among other things, a msg string and a timestamp. Then, you print a formatted log message, using these values.

Create a handler factory

Create a custom handler factory:

func MyCustomHandlerFactory(config cfg.Config, name string) (log.Handler, error) {
// 1
settings := &MyCustomHandlerSettings{}

// 2
log.UnmarshalHandlerSettingsFromConfig(config, name, settings)

// 3
return &MyCustomHandler{
channel: settings.Channel,
}, nil

This accepts a configuration and a name and returns a Handler. You accomplish this with the following steps:

  1. Initialize settings to a new, empty MyCustomHandlerSettings struct, which you defined in the last step.
  2. Store the configuration values from the configuration in the settings struct.
  3. Create a new MyCustomHandler, using the settings.Channel.

Add your handler factory

In main(), or wherever is most appropriate for your application, add your custom handler factory:

log.AddHandlerFactory("my-custom-handler", MyCustomHandlerFactory)

This sets the handler type to "my-custom-handler".


That's it! In this guide, you:

  • Implemented a custom Handler.
  • Created a handler factory.
  • Added your factory to the logging configuration.

Check out these resources to learn more about logging with gosoline: